The power of music
Music has always been a huge part of my life. I grew up listening to my brothers play the piano and drum, and it made me want to learn. Practicing the piano was never a chore for me, and I always have rhythms in my head. I am now the beatboxer in the acapella group Rifftide, and so I am constantly practicing beatboxing.
In my media and children's class, we talked about the effect that music has on us. It made me think back to when I realized the effect that music had on me as a teenager. I was thinking about the scripture Doctrine and Covenants 10:5 "Pray always that ye may come off conquerer, yea that ye may conquer satan, and that you may escape the hands of satan that do uphold his work". I was wondering how I could pray always because of all that I have to in life. I then thought of the scripture Doctrine and Covenants 25:12 that says "For behold, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads". I realized that righteous songs are prayers, so if I could have good music stuck in my head at all times, then I would be praying always.
Ever since applying that, it changed my life drastically. I was so much happier and filled with the spirit when I removed all bad music from what I listen to. Currently I incorporate a lot of Christian Rock into my repertoire and it is awesome. I think it is something that a lot of people don't care about. They think that music doesn't affect them, but studies clearly show that it does. The problem is that it is usually not an effect that we notice, at least until we make big changes to what we listen to.